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A man wearing a tie that's holding a white card that reads, "you should know this."

While Congress works through the issue of providing additional funding to the depleted PPP, the SBA continues to issue new guidance on the program. In a long awaited update, the latest guidance fleshes out issues related to self-employed borrowers, including rules for eligibility, calculating the loan amount and loan forgiveness. Here are some important takeaways:

1) Schedule C filers ARE eligible for PPP loans if they have or will file a Form 1040 Schedule C for 2019;

2) Partners of partnerships are not eligible for a PPP Loan as self-employed individuals, but rather as a loan taken by the partnership for payroll costs;

3) The loan of a self-employed individual is calculated differently – depending on whether they do or do not employ other individuals (details are provided in the interim rule);

4) Documentation: Schedule C filers will have to submit Form 941 and state quarterly wage unemployment insurance tax reporting forms (or something equivalent from the payroll company) for the covered period. Any non-payroll costs will also have to be supported with documentation.

Additional guidance is expect to be issued to clarify remaining issues.For now, the interim final rule is linked here:…/Interim-Final-Rule-Additional-E…