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Amidst the controversy surrounding the reopening of the state economy, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf vetoed Senate Bill 613, which would have required the Wolf administration to follow federal guidelines in determining which businesses to reopen. In conjunction with the veto, however, Governor Wolf announced that construction can resume in the state on May 8, in accordance with certain safety guidelines that have yet to be released.

On March 21, Wolf shut down all “non-life sustaining business” in the state, including all but essential construction projects. The administration has faced criticism of how it has handled the determination of which businesses must close and which can remain open.

Until the safety guidelines are released, businesses are left largely to figure out on their own what requirements will be put into place. While social distancing, personnel limits and safety equipment are certain, additional requirements should be released as soon as possible so that effected businesses can adequately prepare well in advance of any applicable opening dates.

For guidance on how to navigate your business through these uncertain times, please contact us at